Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ugly things

Well, I couldn't help but notice the awful state of the current bytelink screenshots... I know our client hasn't ever been exactly pretty, but currently... the icons on the left... UGH!

This is a general callout to anyone who reads this blog and is ANY good at icon design. We Need New Icons. Please help. If you can come up with some replacement icons, please post them on the forum and we will implement them ASAP.

Also, a note for j3sus... can you fiddle with the netstat code? The little graph that is always visible, can you make the graph lines appear smaller? Also, I want to see if we can shift the close button over to the left hand side, and shift the MP3 player info to the bottom of the screen, and incorporate it with the email-alert system.

On another note... I will hopefully be able to resume work on bytelink sometime next week. I've been involved with a couple of other ventures, but I'm hoping to wind down my involvement and delegate responsibility.

I've still got work to finish on the PvP demo, regardless of the fact that some people on the forum have already labelled my work as "boring" without even playing the finished version (which isn't in existence yet...). I *want* PvP to be fun, which is why it's taking so long to do. I'm not taking a shortcut to get it finished, i'm pursuing my current design because I believe it will be fun when it's finished. If it isn't fun when it's finished, fine, i'll eat my words, and we can design something different.

Well, that's all my updates for today, maybe I'll have another rant tomorrow... LOL.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Long time no blog

For those that only read the blog, I want to make it clear that we haven't dissappeared! If you want to keep up to date with the latest info and news, you should really keep an eye on the forum.

Jesus and myself have been having a little difficulty in getting motivated recently, we are stuck in a rut over PVP. Hopefully I can overcome my lethargy in order to code a cool PVP demo of my idea

Jesus is still working on his idea of PVP, which I believe is based somewhat on Risk, but I'm not entirely sure at this point.

Jesus has also been doing work on the skinnability of the client, so hopefully we will release instructions to the community on ways of creating new skins for the game.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

PVP Server Recoded In C

So, I've been fiddling with the PVP server a bit, and was trying to work out a way for me to run it when I arrive back at Uni (where I now am). The only boxes at home that I'm happy to leave on all the time with little fear of them dying on me are Linux boxes.

Linux doesn't run VB programs very well.

Enter, one crash course in C Network Programming (we havent even touched on this in Uni). I was suprised how difficult it was to find any decent info on even a standard network program.

When I finally got a basic server running that performs the same initial jobs as the VB PVP server, I realised that I needed to be able to make it talk to a MySQL server. More research! All the tutorials I found wouldnt compile, so I ended up frantically emailing the author of one for some more assistance...

Of course, I needed to compile my program with "-I/usr/include/mysql -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lz" options for the gcc command... Why didnt I think of that? ;)

So, the server is sitting at a semi-completed state, with one major problem... To enable the server to keep recieving connections while dealing with existing connections, the program "forks", e.g, makes a copy of itself, and the copy handles the new connection. The original continues to wait for new connections. So, if I log someone in with the copy, and store some information in a variable, the original copy will never know about the contents of this variable, because it exists only in the copy.

I have no idea how to get around this, so, anyone familiar with C, and the fork() command, along with network programming and arrays, please get in touch!